Ghar hostel to 2 yrs pehle chord diye
Nash stil shoping wht r u dng fil ur tummy
Am cnfusd am sick nw i want my luv bck. Thursdy my uncl daug marg i thnk i wil nt am unhpy.
Nash is tht act is urs dnt mke fun of me plz rply try to recolect my pswrd. I tld my uncle daug marg in inbx nt in gustbk so its me pragathy. So plz nashjohn00 is urs r nt
Nash frm 2mrw marg func strts so bsy wen fre c u k luv u tke cre hlth
Nash my mob gt crpt so use bro mob frgt pswrd so nly nw prf. Add me mis u
Nash tea? Wt dng. Came daman r stil in pune