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11 years ago

I wonder why the grass is green,

And why the wind is never seen?

Who taught the birds to build a nest,

And told the trees to take a rest?

O, when the moon is not quite round,

Where can the missing bit be found?

Who lights the stars, when they blow out,

And makes the lightning flash about?

Who paints the rainbow in the sky,

And hangs the fluffy clouds so high?

Why is it now, do you suppose,

That Daddy won’t tell me, if he knows?

11 years ago

When your backs to the wall
do you just give up and fall?
Get kicked in the head
until your dead
die with no one at your side
die with no pride
hell no don't quit
I know you can make it through it
just keep goin'
with all your power showin'
when it feels like you cant take anymore
you gotta be hard to the core
you gotta believe in yourself
you gotta put all your doubt on the shelf
be the best you can
be the man
find the strength
to go the length
I know it seems hopeless right now
but I know you'll get out some how
when the wind is blowing
just keep on going

11 years ago

You say I am crazy
I say you're crazy
So now we are crazy together ∩_∩

11 years ago

EveN afteR all this tiMe
tHe suN NeveR sayS to the eaRtH,
"You owe Me."
Look what happens with a love like that,
It lights the wHole Sky.

11 years ago

11 years ago

11 years ago

11 years ago


11 years ago
..... (¯`v´¯)♥
... (
/ \ ♥♥

Happy valentine's day


Happy valentine's day

..... (¯`v´¯)♥
... (
/ \ ♥♥

__ JEEP __
11 years ago

11 years ago

Friend gives you smile
But true friend gives you happiness

Friend will lie about you
But true friend won’t tell your weakness

Friend knives your back
But true friend will slog your face

Thousands friends come when you’re happy
But only one true friend comes when you cry

Friend comes when he needs you
But true friend comes when you need him

Friend leaves when everybody does
But true friend comes when everybody leaves

Friend comes and leaves
But true friend is yours forever

11 years ago

Have a nice Wednesday ,,,TAKE CARE ...
11 years ago

11 years ago

11 years ago

Happy Tuesday ...
11 years ago


11 years ago

Throw me a line here,
Or there,
Thats not what i meant,
Throw me a line not a line,
Not that line,
Lets not go into this any more,
Just throw me a line,
Not that one.

11 years ago

11 years ago

Happy Chinese New year 2013

A New Year, A New Start,
A New Chapter,
A New Beginning
Forget the bad, bring the Good.

I sincerely wish you a very blessed Chinese New Year ahead.


11 years ago

ĦąÞÞÝ ѓÔŚξ Ďãỵ

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