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"In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful" Allah SWT where life is all that life began from Him. Not only the book of the universe, but the book syareat, namely the Quran andall divine scripture begins with his name.Islam teaches us that our jobs, small and large, eat and drink, sleep and waking, traveling and boarding the vehicle, danmenulis talk, workand effort, and so let us begin with the name of Allah (Bismillah). If ananimal slaughtered without mentioning namaAllah, then we are forbidden to eat the flesh of the animal. The words"Bismillah" is not limited to Islam alone.According to the verses of the Quran, the ship Noah also move begins with thephrase "Bismillah" Similarly NabiSulaiman letter to the Queen as queen. "Bismillah" is a complete sentence, and part of Surat Al-Fatiha. Therefore, he who does not love the Prophet did not read it or read it with a voice plan in their prayers. They themselves always read the verse:"Basmalah" out loud in every prayer they do. There- (11 年前)
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