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Last login: 11 years ago
Skinner since: 16 years ago
Country/Area: Jakarta
Gender: Female
Age: 32

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Relation: Single
Mobile Model: Nokia 5200
Mobile Operator: Xl, im3
Occupation: pelajar
Schools: SMA PL 2 Servasius
I Like: Baca komik
Favorite Music: J pop, OST Anime
Favorite Movies: Cardcaptor Sakura, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, Tantei gakuen Q, detective Conan, Tokyo Mew Mew, Hunter x Hunter, etc
Favorite Books: Cardcaptor Sakura, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, Tantei gakuen Q, detective Conan, Tokyo Mew Mew, Hunter x Hunter, bleach, etc
Favorite Celebrities: Yamada Ryosuke, Shida Mirai, HEY, SAY, JUMP
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Anime n Comic
Cardcaptor Sakura, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, Tantei gakuen Q, detective Conan, Tokyo Mew Mew, Hunter x Hunter, etc
tantei Gakuen Q n Detective Conan
conanTantei Gakuen Q
X, kamui subaru,seishirou fuuma

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9 years ago

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